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The Trouble with Air in Water Pipes for Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide

Dealing with air in water pipes can be a significant challenge for businesses, as it may lead to numerous complications that can affect the efficiency and longevity of your plumbing system.

Air in Water Pipes
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This comprehensive guide explore the causes of air in water pipes, the potential consequences, and the steps your business can take to avoid paying for air in your water pipes, and maintain a reliable water supply and protect its plumbing system.

1. Understanding the Causes of Air in Water Pipes

Before addressing the issue of air in water pipes, it's essential to understand the causes. Some common reasons for air in water pipes include:

  • Water supply issues: Air can enter the plumbing system if there is a problem with the municipal water supply or the facility's water source, such as a well.

  • Leaks in the system: Holes or cracks in pipes can allow air to infiltrate the plumbing system.

  • Faulty water softeners or filters: If your business's water softener or filter is not functioning properly, it can introduce air into the water lines.

  • Improper pipe installation: Pipes that have been installed incorrectly, or without proper air chambers, can be more prone to air infiltration.

  • Rapid water usage: Sudden, high demand for water in your facility can cause air to be drawn into the pipes, particularly if the system is not designed to handle such demand.

By identifying the underlying cause of air in your water pipes, you can take appropriate steps to address and prevent the problem from recurring.

2. The Consequences of Air in Water Pipes for Businesses

Air in water pipes can lead to a variety of problems that can negatively impact your business. Some potential consequences include:

  • Noisy plumbing: Air in the pipes can cause loud, disruptive noises such as hammering or gurgling sounds. This can be particularly problematic in businesses where a quiet environment is essential, such as offices or healthcare facilities.

  • Inconsistent water flow: Air in the pipes can cause water to sputter out of faucets, resulting in an uneven flow that may lead to water waste and inefficiency.

  • Water pressure fluctuations: The presence of air can cause your water pressure to fluctuate, which may affect the performance of appliances and fixtures, such as showers or sinks.

  • Pipe damage: Trapped air can lead to increased pressure and stress on your pipes, potentially causing leaks or even burst pipes. Repairing or replacing damaged pipes can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor for businesses.

  • Shortened appliance lifespan: Air in water pipes can reduce the lifespan of your appliances, such as water heaters and dishwashers, by causing them to work harder and experience more stress.

You can minimize these potential consequences and maintain a more efficient plumbing system for your business.

3. Signs of Air in Your Business's Plumbing System

If you suspect that your business's plumbing system has air in the water lines, there are several signs to look for:

  • Noisy pipes: Loud banging, hammering, or gurgling noises coming from your pipes can indicate the presence of air bubbles.

  • Sputtering faucets: If your faucets are sputtering or spitting water when turned on, this is a clear sign that air is trapped in your plumbing system.

  • Inconsistent water pressure: If you notice sudden changes in water pressure or inconsistent water flow, air may be present in your pipes.

  • Air in the water: If you see air bubbles in the water coming out of your faucets, there's likely air in your water lines.

Identifying these signs early can help you address the issue before it leads to more significant problems, such as pipe damage or appliance failure.

4. Problems Associated with Air Bubbles in Hot Water Heaters

Air bubbles in your plumbing system can have detrimental effects on your hot water heater, which can be particularly problematic for businesses that rely on a consistent and efficient hot water supply. Some potential issues associated with air bubbles in hot water heaters include:

  • Inefficiency: Trapped air can cause hot and cold spots within the water heater, making it work harder to maintain a consistent temperature.

  • Overheating: Air pockets can lead to localized overheating, which can damage the heating element or cause the water heater's safety features to activate.

  • Shorter lifespan: The increased stress and potential damage caused by air bubbles can shorten the lifespan of your hot water heater, leading to increased replacement costs.

  • Increased energy costs: The added strain on your water heater due to trapped air can result in higher energy consumption, leading to increased utility bills for your business.

Addressing the issue of air in your water pipes can help prevent these problems and ensure that your hot water heater operates efficiently and effectively.

5. How to Stop Paying for Air in Water

As much as 30% of a business's water bill might be for air trapped in the lines. Water meters only measures volume of fluid passing through. Meters can't tell the difference between air and water.

  • Save Money: WaveLytix patented Wave Water Efficiency Valve compresses air in the line as it passes through the water meter. The result is an average 20% water cost savings.

  • Save Water: As cities grow, the water company increases water pressure to make sure water reaches to the furthest points in the system. Many water systems are over pressurized, meaning more water is delivered than needed. The Wave Valve adjusts the the water pressure to what is needed, resulting in a 6% to 9% reduction in water usage.

  • Protect Water Pipes and Machinery: The Wave Valve creates a compression zone where water flow is stabilized. This reduces fluctuations that can cause stress to a building's pipes and equipment, which increases maintenance costs.

By investing in the WaveLytix system, your facility can prevent water overuse, save water, reduce water and maintenance costs. Contact us today to get started.

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